homemade strawberry and blackcurrant gin

For as long as i can remember my parents have always grown their own fruit and vegetables, and at this time of year we try and think or new and exciting ways to use up our spare produce. This summer it happened to be blackcurrant and strawberries. 
During last winter we made peaches in brandy, limoncello and orangecello. While thinking of a way to use up this years fruit we decided we would make strawberry and blackcurrant gin, trust me it is amazing.

 What you will need
300g of strawberries or raspberries
330g of white granulated sugar
1.5L gin

How to make it
Wash the fruit, simmer in a small amount of water approx quarter of a pint and add the sugar (simmer until the sugar is dissolved and fruit starts to pop).
Strain the mixture through a nylon sieve and place in a bag bowl, add the gin, stir well then bottle.
